(Frequently Asked Questions)


Question:  How much does a puppy cost?

Answer:   Here at "Legendary" we are show dog enthusiasts and hobbyists and very rarely have dogs offered for sale.   Generally speaking for other Chow Breeders most companion dog prices range from $800-$1,200 from a reputable breeder.  Show dogs prices range from $800-$2,500 plus terms specific to that breeder.   However,  these prices can vary based on the region of the country or special circumstances unique to the situation.  

Question:  What are the different color coats for a chow?

Answer:  Chows come in a variety of colors from a solid dark red, variations of red with white shading (known as a shaded red), solid black, cream, blue and cinnamon.  Legendary Chows are bred specifically for a solid mahogany red coat or shaded red.

Question:  Does a chow's coat shed?

Answer:  Of course.  There are only a few dogs that don't actually "shed".  A trait primarily found in the Bichon Frises and Poodles.  The typical Legendary chow will shed minimally if kept well conditioned and groomed on a weekly basis.

Question:  Do chows make good family dogs?

Answer: Legendary chows are excellent loyal family dogs.  However, being natural guard dogs, they do not do well in an extremely active environment or a home that has a great deal of company where strangers are often visiting the home.

Question:  Do Chows bite?

Answer: For the record -  ANY ANIMAL MAY BITE IF PROVOKED.  

Question:  Is it true  that chows are vicious?

Answer:  the Chow Chow has been bred to be a natural guard dog for over 2000 years.  Legendary chows are exceptionally loyal and caring to family members.  The typical chow however, is not friendly or inviting to strangers.   The best description of the standard personality is stand-offish and aloof to someone outside of their family "pack".  A stranger should never reach to pet a chow or any other dog for that matter without the owners permission and supervision.   No dog, regardless of the breed, should be "vicious".

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